Holocaust and Aviation

The Development of German Nazi Aviation as a Major Factor in the Annihilation of the European Jewish People


By: Avinoam Amizan


Herman Goering the Air Czar


Herman Goering was the most popular figure in Nazi Germany. He was second only to Hitler in his importance. He was Hitler's Deputy and official successor, erector of the Nazi air force, and the super economy minister.


It is amazing that there isn't any book dedicated to his part in the annihilation of the European Jewish People. As chairman of the Reichstag he signed the 'Nuremberg Lows'. As 'general inspector on the matters of Jews in the Reich', he was the person who wrote the order of the final solution and the chain of orders that lead to it. He transformed the Gestapo to a major dictatorship enforcment tool; He was the leader in exploiting forced labor, assets robbery and more.


The chapter about him in the book 'Holocaust and Aviation' focuses on his motives from the point of View of the airy soul. The most important date is: July 31, 1941, a day before the Jewish annual commemoration day for the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE.


Herman Goering's father was a German diplomat. In 1885 he became the first governor of Namibia. The first genocide that was executed by the Germans, the first in the 20'Th century and which heralded directly the Jewish genocide, was the annihilation of the Namibian People in 1905, few years after Goering's father was promoted to be the ambassador in Haiti.


The mother of Herman Goering returned from Haiti to Germany for a safe birth to him. Her rich Jewish doctor became her lover, and father to one of her sons. These facts developed in Goering a strong father complex, which caused in him a desire to be better then his father in all aspects. Jealous to the family honor, he became also anti-Semitic.


Herman Goering was an excellent pilot, with 22 airplanes 'killings' in the First World War. He was promoted to the command of the 'Flying Circus' squadron; after its famed commander, 'The Red Baron', was killed in battle.

Both were embodiment of the Nietzschean Superman, who hovers proudly in the sky and enforce his authority by means of his appearance and his desire, not less than by means of his actual strength.

Among the pilots who joined the squadron in the last stages of the war were two who became with Goering leaders of the Nazi movement: The weird Rudolph Hess who was Hitler's second deputy, and the hoggish Arthur Griezer who was the demonic governor in occupied Poland that was annexed to the Reich.


After the war Goering became one of the millions of unemployed. He met Hitler in 1922. Hitler recognized immediately Goering's value for him as a famous pilot and officer. Goering was impressed by Hitler's political skills.

A fruitful cooperation and friendship started between them; which continued until the defeat of the Nazis. It was based on their shared belief in mysticism and nationalism.


The anti-Semitic race doctrine and the conception that aviation is the key to the future development of Germany became one-piece in Nazi Germany. There is a contact which cannot be cut of, between thought and reality, between dream and will. They have to find a united expression. The connection between Hitler and Goering was an example of that. They were 'The Fat and the Skinny'.


From below, from within the bewilderment, in which Germany was after the defeat in the First World War, came the need for pragmatic settlement. Every order like this is built from different components at first, and goes and unites to a central political single subject. In the case before us, all the German political arc, after all was said and done, united under Goering's image. In Germany 'order is order' and the Nazis provided it.


Goering symbolized the hope that Germany will capitalized on the air success in the First World War. Goering was the most intelligent, influential and the most popular figure in the Reich. This thing did not disappear of course from the eyes of Hitler. It is possible that the Second World War started because of the competition between them.


The most important contribution of Goering to the construction of the new Nazi state was the replacement of the Conservatives control in the army and the economy, in a mechanism under his control.


His direct involvement in the economy began when he wanted to manufacture many more airplanes. He received under his control the governmental office for the supply of raw materials. Quickly the office became a monster that controlled the economy of Germany.


Goering became the czar of the German economy, after receiving the responsibility on 'the four years economic plan' in 1936. His original intention was to nationalize the industry. Lacking enough economic skills, Germany slipped away quickly to the hands of a little group of industrialists with huge factories.


In the heart of the system that he controlled was 'The Reich's Steel Factories conglomerate'. By means of legal theft it was converted in the course of the war to a cluster of almost all the heavy industry in occupied Europe. Not even one private German economic initiative was allowed in the occupied territories. The main product of the new order was airplanes. The air force received twenty percent of the national budget in 1940.


Goering was against any wastefulness. Therefore he opposed the liquidation of the adept work force in the occupied countries. His orders were always combined with the warning slogan: 'You will not waste anything from what is good for use'. He thought about loot as the normal management of war. Already after 'the crystal night' he created eagerly the legal system for robbing the Jewish assets, by the advice of Heidrich Eichman. It became the economic model for the final solution.


The order from July 31, 1941 for the final solution of the Jewish problem was an individual calculated decision which was initiated only by Goering. The order itself is very short, and surely it did not take him more than few minutes to formulate it. Therefore it is very interesting to try to understand what engaged him in the same days.


Within one year, from the summer of 1940 to the summer of 1941, He lost a big part of his prestige and status:


Firstly, he lost approximately 3,000 airplanes, compared with his original planning, according to this calculation:

- 1500 as a result from untruthful reports that he received on the amount of manufactured airplanes

- 1,200 in the battle on Britain

- 300 in the battle on Crete

He had approximately only 2,000 airplanes before the campaign in Russia.


Secondly, he lost the control on the aircraft industry, which passed to Speer, the armament minister, who planned production modernization in assembly lines.


Thirdly, the strengthening of air bombardments from the Allied caused a shock in the top of the Nazi party.


Lastly, there was the never ending story with Hess, his friend from the squadron who deserted to England.


No wander that he was tense, angry, frustrated, and fearful. He searched for an expression of retaliation and relief. An urgent need was also created to lift his prestige.


He had to solve the complication immediately. He was man of action, iron will. He thought that he is beginning to lose control and he must elucidate his condition. Why if so, he thought, not against the Jews.


Goering sensed that on this way he will produce a new dynamic, in which the total measure of up and down will be balanced. He will compensate on the loss of airplanes by the annihilation of Jews, just according to the vertical dialectic of Nietzsche, which is absent of morality. He thought that in this way he will continue to seize all that he had. It was an attempt to gain time and to erase his failures.


It is Possible that Goering thought of a 'response' to Speer's program for airplanes production in assembly lines. The final solution was an 'original idea' for 'assembly line'. Goering could have been able to boast in it, together with Heidrich. In the annihilation camps the concept for the line of action was: factory of death.


To the rehabilitation of his professional and political status the order did not contribute much. Hitler controlled increasingly his tasks. Goering's health deteriorated gradually physically and mentally.


In the Nuremberg trails Goering was judged on crimes of war and involvement in crimes against the mankind. He was convicted and was sentenced to death, but comitted suicide before the execution.


The Failure of Goering is a failure of the preference of the will of power and the subconscious, over the rational thinking and the harmonic humanism. This failure is expressed more fully in the figure of Hitler's second deputy, Rudolph Hess, who was stricken with schizophrenia and Amnesia because of his extreme airy character.


The eccentric image of Goering became a negative model in the world media. All the negative aspects of the aerial soul were embodied in him: The exaggeration, arrogance, coquetry, avarice and atrocity.


Goering embodied naturally the Nitchean superman. Therefore his image is ignored in the decipherment attempt for the causes of the holocaust. If we will remember that he was a second generation of generators of holocaust, who improved and perfected his father's crimes, it will be easier to understand him.


The airy reality, in which the Nazism acted in substance and spirit, took from its victims the right to use the aerial soul for their recuperation. To the holocaust survivors, who were in the lowest form of human existense and wish to climb upward within their personal experience, the image of Goering is a barrier that has to be smashed completely. This is a therapy process. The interconnection between the dream of flight and Nietzschean superman is insignificant. In order to heighten to the heights there is a need for a moral system of values. There is a need for the strong support from all humankind.




Avinoam Amizan is the author of the book: Holocaust and Aviation
His home website is: The Human Shape of the Holy Land